How Long Can Wet Cat Food Stay In The Fridge? Best Answer

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How long can wet cat food stay in the fridge? One of the healthiest foods for pet cats is wet food. Wet food can last a long time in the fridge. However, it can change the texture of wet food and make it hard if left too long. While we do not recommend you to keep wet food for more than 5-7 days in the fridge because of its texture changing, your cat may be okay with eating wet food after this time.

This question has been asked many times before, so we’ll tell you how long your dry and wet cat foods could stay safe in the fridge.

Shredded, wet cat food will last for about 7 days in the fridge. The dry food will get hard after at least a week of being stored in the refrigerator. You’ll need to mix it with warm water, and then you can feed it to your cat.

Usually, wet and dry cat food should not be left out longer than 24 hours. If you want the freshness longer, freeze them by putting them in an airtight container or vacuum sealing.

Does Wet Cat Food Need To Be Refrigerated After Opening?

Yes, wet cat food should be refrigerated immediately after opening. According to the FDA, wet cat food can easily spoil at room temperatures. The best way to store wet cat food is in the refrigerator. The good thing about refrigerating wet foods is that it prevents the growth of bacteria and mold.

However, in some cases, bacteria and mold can still grow, even if you store them in the refrigerator. To be on the safer side, we recommend you freeze your wet cat food if you will not be able to taste them within one to two days after opening them.

How long can wet cat food stay in the fridge?

Generally, wet cat food should be stored at 40-45°F for 5-7 days. If any wet cat food remains after this time, it should be thrown away. But, if you’ll store the wet food for up to 2 weeks, it is still safe. It can be thrown out, but the FDA recommends that you should throw the food away even if it is still safe.

How long can wet cat food last refrigerated?

Wet cat food should be refrigerated immediately after opening. Wet cat food usually does not last long in the fridge. You should check for the expiration date on the wet cat food package in case you want to keep it longer than 5-7 days. It will keep its taste for dry kibble anyway, without any changes. The texture can also be changed if left for too long, but it will still be okay for cats to eat.

How to store wet cat food properly?

Wet cat food should be stored in an airtight container. Vacuum sealing is recommended. If you do not want to vacuum seal your wet cat food, put them in a jar with a lid. The jar should be filled with air and then sealed.

How long is a cat’s can of opened leftover wet food good for in the refrigerator?

Wet cat food is considered perishable. Opened canned wet cat food will stay perfectly good for up to 72 hours in the refrigerator. Then it will slowly decay. You always check wet food before giving it to your refrigerated cat.

If you want to freeze wet cat food for longer storage or need the extra nutrition that wet cat food contains, put them in an airtight container or vacuum sealing.

How Long Can An Open Can Of Cat Food Stay In The Fridge?

According to the USDA, canned cat food can stay perfectly good for up to 72 hours in the refrigerator. If you want to freeze wet cat food for longer storage or need the extra nutrition that wet cat food contains, put them in an airtight container or vacuum sealing.

Cat owners should know how long wet and dry cat food can stay in the fridge so they can serve the best meals for their cats. Remember that you do not want to store meat products longer than 5-7 days. Do not leave leftovers for longer than one week.

When wet cat food does spoil, you will notice a foul odor and greenish-black mold. Then throw the wet cat food away.

How long can wet cat food stay out of the fridge?

Wet cat food should be completely consumed or stored in the refrigerator within 1-2 hours. This is because the longer wet cat food stays at room temperature, the more likely it is to spoil. Also, wet cat food will dry out and curdle if left at room temperature for too long, making it less appealing to your cat.

What should I do if my wet cat food goes bad?

If you see any signs of spoilage like mold, slime, or a foul smell, throw away your opened wet cat foods immediately. Wash any bowls you used to store the open cans or wash and cut away any spoiled areas. If you see any signs of spoilage in the future, throw away the wet cat food.

What should I do if my cat eats spoiled wet cat food?

You should contact your veterinarian if your cat has eaten spoiled canned wet cat food. Contact your veterinarian if a small amount of spoiled canned wet cat food has been eaten. However, if mold or slime is present and it makes your pet ill, seek immediate veterinary attention because it could have caused a much more serious health problem.

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How to store wet cat food after opening?

Wet cat food should be stored in an airtight container or vacuum sealing. If you do not want to vacuum seal your wet cat food, put them in a jar with a lid. The jar should be filled with air and then sealed.

Open cans of wet cat food can go bad if not stored properly. Wet canned cat food can go bad and start to smell or mold after 1-2 days if it stays at room temperature. To prevent this, you should transfer the open wet cat food into the refrigerator immediately after opening it.

How to warm up refrigerated cat food?

Follow the steps below to warm up refrigerated wet cat food:

Warm the open wet cat food in a microwave or use an oven at 100°F until hot. Please wait for the wet cat food to cool down before feeding it to your kitty. If you do not have a microwave and want to warm up canned wet cat food in a microwave, reheat it in water and then feed it to your cat.

You can also cook the wet cat food on a stove or in a frying pan but make sure you do this carefully and follow the instructions on the package. To warm up dry kibble, put it in a pan/skillet on medium heat and occasionally stir until warm.

Final Thoughts

Wet cat food is best for outdoor cats with no dry food or regular clumped kibble. This article should help you to know more about the best way to store wet cat food and how long it can last in the fridge.

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Can you refrigerate wet cat food?

Yes, you can refrigerate wet cat food. It’s okay to leave the lid of the wet cat food container on while refrigerating it. Put the wet cat food in an airtight container before putting it in the fridge.

Can cats eat day-old wet food?

Yes, cats can eat day-old wet food because cats can digest it is not harmful to them.

How long are wet cat foods good for?

Wet canned goods last up to 72 hours in the refrigerator if they have not been opened. Once opened, you should use or refrigerate it within 2 hours.

Can you freeze wet cat food?

You can freeze wet cat food, but please leave about an inch of space for expansion once it freezes.

How long can you leave wet cat food?

You can leave wet cat food to dry out in a bowl, but you should make sure that there is room in the bowl, so they do not spill over. It’s best to put them in a refrigerator if you do not plan to use them immediately.

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