Can Cats Eat Turkey Giblets?

8 Min Read

When it comes to turkey, most of us think of the succulent breast meat as the star of the show. But wait, there’s more to a turkey than just its breast! Let’s talk turkey giblets – the heart, liver, and gizzard – the often-overlooked treasures within this iconic bird. You might be surprised to learn that these giblets can be a treat for our feline friends. So, if you’re curious about whether cats can indulge in turkey giblets, you’ve come to the right place.

Can Cats Eat Turkey Giblets?

You bet they can! Cats can safely enjoy turkey giblets, making it a potential special treat. But there’s a catch – the giblets should be cooked before your furry companion gets to savor them. It’s important to ensure that the giblets are thoroughly cooked, as raw poultry can harbor harmful bacteria that may make your cat sick. Safety first!

Precautionary Measures:

  • When serving turkey giblets to your cat, make sure to remove all the bones. Bones can splinter and pose a choking hazard or even lead to more serious injuries.
  • Avoid giving your cat the turkey’s skin or fat, as these can disrupt their digestive system.
  • Moderation is the key to turning turkey giblets into a tasty and healthy treat for your cat. Keep the portions reasonable.

Can I Give My Cat Turkey Neck And Giblets?

Absolutely! Turkey neck and giblets are a protein-packed delight for cats. They are especially rich in protein, making them a top-notch choice for our feline friends. Nevertheless, a word of caution – always ensure that you cook the turkey neck and giblets before offering them to your cat. Raw poultry can harbor nasty bacteria that could spell trouble for your beloved pet.

Can I Give My Cat Raw Giblets?

The idea of giving your cat raw giblets might seem enticing, but there are some important considerations. Giblets consist of a turkey’s heart, liver, and gizzard, and while they are indeed nutritious, there are potential risks. The most significant risk is salmonella poisoning, which can occur if the giblets are not properly cooked. Additionally, raw chicken hearts and livers might contain parasites that could harm your cat. For these reasons, it’s advisable to cook the giblets before feeding them to your cat.

When properly prepared, giblets can be a valuable addition to your cat’s diet. They are rich in protein, as well as vital nutrients like iron and vitamin A. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the quantity you offer to your cat, as excessive consumption of liver can lead to Vitamin A toxicity.

Can Cats Eat Turkey Liver And Heart?

Turkey liver and heart are not only safe but also nutritious for your cat. These organs are a treasure trove of essential nutrients like protein, fat, vitamin A, iron, and copper. Turkey liver, in particular, contains omega-3 fatty acids, which offer various health benefits to cats. However, it’s crucial to remember that moderation is key when it comes to feeding your feline friend these rich delicacies since they are high in cholesterol.

Do Cats Like Giblets?

Every cat has its own unique palate, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to whether cats like giblets. However, many cats indeed relish giblets, especially the liver and heart. These organs are brimming with nutrients that cats find appealing, so it’s no surprise that they’re often a hit. If you’re unsure whether your cat has a penchant for giblets, a little taste test can help you discover their preferences. Just remember to cook the giblets thoroughly before serving them to your feline companion.

Cat Penny Ate 100% Pure Meat Today For A Snack: Turkey Giblets!

How To Cook Giblets For Cats?

Now, let’s dive into the culinary realm and explore how to prepare these delectable giblets for your beloved cat. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Rinse the Giblets: Start by rinsing the giblets under cold water. This step is crucial to remove any bacteria or dirt that may be present.
  2. Boiling Time: Next, place the giblets in a saucepan or pot and cover them with water. Set the heat to medium-high and bring the water to a gentle boil.
  3. Simmer Slowly: Once the water reaches a boiling point, reduce the heat to low and let the giblets simmer for approximately 45 minutes. This ensures thorough cooking.
  4. Cool and Chop: After 45 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and allow the giblets to cool slightly before handling them. Once they are cool enough to handle, chop them into small, manageable pieces using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors.
  5. Ready to Serve: Your homemade cat food is now ready to be served. You can choose to serve it immediately or store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 48 hours.

Can Cats Have Cranberry Juice?

Cranberry juice often finds its way into human diets as a home remedy for urinary tract infections. But can cats partake in this tart beverage? The short answer is yes, cats can consume cranberry juice. However, the key here is moderation, as excessive cranberry juice intake can lead to an upset stomach. Additionally, make sure the cranberry juice you provide to your cat is 100% pure, without added sugar or other ingredients. If your cat is dealing with a urinary tract infection, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable treatment. In some cases, antibiotics may be the necessary course of action to resolve the infection.

Can Cats Have Potatoes?

Yes, they can! Potatoes are not only safe for cats but can also offer some health benefits. They are a source of several nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Potatoes also have a high water content, contributing to keeping your cat well-hydrated.


The world of turkey giblets opens up a world of culinary possibilities for your cat. Like any new food introduction, it’s important to introduce turkey giblets to your cat slowly and in modest quantities to avoid any potential tummy troubles. And always, always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new food into your cat’s diet. Safety, after all, is the top priority when it comes to your feline friend’s well-being. So, go ahead, treat your cat to a delicious and nutritious experience with turkey giblets – just be sure to keep those portions purr-fectly sized!

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