Can Cats Eat Chorizo? Everything You Need to Know

13 Min Read

So you’re munchin’ on some chorizo—maybe it’s stuffed in a taco or sizzling on your breakfast plate next to a heap of eggs. Your cat’s eyes are locked on you, pupils dilated like they’re staring’ into the sun, all because of that irresistible smell of spicy, seasoned pork. You start wonderin’, Can cats eat chorizo? It’s meat, right? And cats are carnivores, so what’s the harm in letting’ them nibble on a piece? But hold up. Before you drop that morsel on the floor, we need to chat about whether chorizo is safe for your feline friend. Spoiler alert: It’s a bit more complicated than “meat is meat.”

What Exactly Is Chorizo?

First things first, let’s break down what chorizo actually is. If you’re new to the world of chorizo, welcome. You’re in for a treat—at least, if you’re a human. Chorizo is a type of sausage that comes in two main varieties: Spanish and Mexican. Spanish chorizo is usually made from pork that’s been smoked and cured with spices like paprika, giving it that deep red color and smoky flavor. Mexican chorizo, on the other hand, is typically made from raw pork that’s heavily seasoned with vinegar, chili peppers, garlic, and other spices. It’s a bit more fiery and needs to be cooked before eating’.

What’s Inside Chorizo?

Both types of chorizo have similar ingredients that make them oh-so-tasty for us but kind of dangerous for cats. Let’s break it down:

  • Ground pork: Sure, cats love meat, but pork is higher in fat than what cats usually need. Too much fat can lead to obesity or even pancreatitis.
  • Salt: Chorizo is salty. Like, really salty. Salt might add flavor, but for cats, too much salt can be toxic and lead to serious issues like salt poisoning.
  • Garlic and Onions: These are a big no-no for cats. Garlic and onions can cause oxidative damage to a cat’s red blood cells, leading to anemia.
  • Spices: Paprika, chili peppers, and all those spicy goodies that make chorizo delicious? Yeah, they can mess up a cat’s stomach, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and overall discomfort.

But It’s Meat, Isn’t It?

Yup, it is meat, but not all meats are created equal when it comes to what’s safe for cats.

Can Cats Eat Chorizo?

Can Cats Eat Chorizo Sausages

Technically, they can eat it, but should they? Not really. The risks outweigh the benefits by a long shot. While a tiny piece might not send your cat to the emergency vet, it’s still not a great idea.

Why Chorizo Isn’t Safe for Cats

Salt Overload

Let’s talk about salt first because it’s one of the biggest red flags in chorizo. Cats need very little salt in their diets. In fact, too much salt can cause sodium ion poisoning, which sounds as scary as it is. Symptoms of salt poisoning in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors, and, in severe cases, seizures or even death. That little bit of salt that makes your food taste better could be seriously dangerous for your cat.

The Garlic and Onion Problem

Garlic and onions might be tasty for us, but they’re toxic to cats. Even a small amount of garlic or onions can cause serious issues like anemia, which is when a cat’s red blood cells get damaged and can’t carry oxygen as well. If your cat eats enough garlic or onion, it could lead to symptoms like lethargy, rapid breathing, and even collapse. Is chorizo bad for cats? You bet it is, especially if it’s loaded with garlic and onions.

Spices and Fat

Chorizo is spicy, and while some cats might seem curious about spicy foods, their stomachs are not built for it. Spicy foods can irritate a cat’s gastrointestinal tract, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and general discomfort. Plus, chorizo is high in fat, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and pancreatitis in cats if they eat too much of it.

Raw vs. Cooked Chorizo

You might think, “Okay, but what if I cook it? Does that make it safer?” Well, not really. While cooking might kill off some harmful bacteria, it doesn’t get rid of the spices, salt, or fat content that makes chorizo a bad choice for cats in the first place. And if you’re dealing with Mexican chorizo, which is often sold raw, there’s the added risk of your cat picking up something nasty like E. coli or salmonella.

What Happens If My Cat Eats Chorizo?

So, let’s say your cat did manage to sneak a bite of chorizo—maybe you dropped a piece on the floor, or they nabbed it from your plate when you weren’t lookin’. What now? Should you panic? Not necessarily, but you should keep an eye on your feline friend for any signs of distress.

Symptoms to Watch Out For

  • Vomiting and Diarrhea: The most common signs that your cat’s tummy isn’t happy with that chorizo snack.
  • Lethargy: If your cat suddenly seems extra tired or weak, it could be a sign of salt poisoning or anemia.
  • Rapid Breathing: This could indicate that your cat’s having trouble due to anemia caused by garlic or onion ingestion.
  • Increased Thirst or Urination: Is a sign that your cat might be dealing with too much salt.

When to See a Vet

If your cat ate a tiny piece of chorizo, they’d probably be okay with just a little stomach upset. But if they ate a lot, especially if it had a lot of garlic or onions, it’s time to call the vet. Better safe than sorry, right?

Can Cats Eat Chorizo Sausage?

So, what about chorizo sausage? Is there any difference between that and just plain old chorizo? Not really. Chorizo sausage is just another way of referring to the same thing. All the same risks apply—salt, fat, spices, garlic, and onions. Whether it’s in sausage form, crumbled in your tacos, or sliced on a charcuterie board, it’s still not safe for your cat.

Can Cats Eat Chorizo and Eggs?

Can Cats Eat Chorizo and Eggs

You might be thinking’, “Well, what if I mix it with something else, like eggs? Can cats have chorizo and eggs?” Eggs by themselves are generally safe for cats in small amounts, as long as they’re fully cooked. But when you add chorizo to the mix, you’re introducing all those same issues—salt, fat, spices, garlic, and onions. Even if the eggs are okay, the chorizo is still a problem. So, no, it’s not a good idea to feed your cat chorizo and eggs.

Are There Any Safe Alternatives?

If you’re looking to give your cat a special treat, there are much better options than chorizo. Stick to cat-safe meats that are plain, unseasoned, and cooked. Here are some ideas:

  • Commercial Cat Treats: There are plenty of treats on the market that are made specifically for cats, with all the nutrients they need and none of the stuff they don’t.
  • Plain Chicken or Turkey: No salt, no spices, just cooked meat. This is a much safer option for your cat.
  • Fish: Cooked fish like salmon or tuna (in moderation) can be a tasty treat for your cat. Just make sure it’s free of any seasonings.


Can cats eat chorizo in small amounts?

Even in small amounts, chorizo isn’t safe for cats. The high salt content, spices, garlic, and onions in chorizo can be harmful to your cat, even in tiny portions. It’s best to avoid giving chorizo to your cat altogether.

Is chorizo bad for cats?

Yes, chorizo is bad for cats. The combination of high fat, excessive salt, and toxic ingredients like garlic and onions makes it an unhealthy and potentially dangerous food for cats.

Can cats have chorizo and eggs?

While eggs are generally safe for cats if they’re fully cooked and unseasoned, mixing them with chorizo is not recommended. The harmful ingredients in chorizo outweigh the benefits of the eggs, making it a poor choice for your cat.

What should I do if my cat eats chorizo?

If your cat eats a small amount of chorizo, monitor them for any signs of distress, like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy. If your cat ate a larger quantity or showed any concerning symptoms, contact your vet immediately for advice.

Can cats eat chorizo sausage?

Chorizo sausage is essentially the same as regular chorizo and carries the same risks. The high salt, fat, and toxic spices in chorizo sausage make it unsafe for cats.

Is there any type of chorizo that is safe for cats?

No, both traditional pork chorizo and vegan chorizo (often made with tofu and spices) are unsafe for cats due to their ingredients. Stick to cat-friendly treats and plain, unseasoned meats.

What meats are safe for cats?

Safe meats for cats include plain, cooked chicken, turkey, beef, and some types of fish like salmon or tuna. Always ensure the meat is unseasoned, cooked thoroughly, and free of bones.

Can chorizo cause long-term health issues in cats?

Yes, regularly feeding your cat chorizo can lead to long-term health issues such as obesity, pancreatitis, salt poisoning, and even anemia due to the harmful ingredients it contains.

Why do cats like the smell of chorizo if it’s bad for them?

Cats are naturally attracted to the smell of meat, which is why they might be interested in chorizo. However, just because they like the smell doesn’t mean it’s safe for them to eat. The spices and seasonings that make chorizo flavorful for humans are not suitable for cats.

Conclusion: Can Cats Eat Chorizo?

So, to wrap it all up—can cats eat chorizo? Technically, yes, they can, but they shouldn’t. The risks are just too high, and there’s really no good reason to feed your cat something that could make them sick. Stick to cat-friendly foods that are plain, unseasoned, and safe. Your cat might not understand why they can’t have a taste of that delicious-smelling chorizo, but they’ll be much better off in the long run.

If you’re ever unsure about what’s safe to feed your cat, it’s always best to check with your vet. They can help guide you on what’s okay to share with your feline friend and what’s better left on your plate. And hey, if your cat doesn’t get a bite of your chorizo, that just means more for you, right?

Just remember: Can cats have chorizo? No way. Is chorizo bad for cats? Absolutely. When in doubt, keep it out of your cat’s reach and stick to the stuff that’s made with them in mind.

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