Can Cats Eat Microgreens? Here’s What You Got to Know

9 Min Read

You’re chilling with your cat, maybe sprouting some microgreens for that salad you’re trying to be healthy with yeah? You set the dish aside and in a blink, your curious kitty’s already got their nose deep in your greens.

You pause, wondering can cats eat microgreens? Yeah, it’s one of those moments where you’re like “hmm, not sure about that” but hey, you’re in luck cuz we’re gonna dig right into it and see if you should panic, or if your fur baby’s all good.

What’s the Deal with Microgreens Anyway?

Before we dive deep into the whole cats + microgreens = good or bad convo, let’s hit the basics.

Microgreens are these little leafy guys that are like baby plants, not fully grown but super packed with flavor and nutrients. They’re like the trendy kid on the block when it comes to salads and smoothies.

You’ve got radish microgreens, kale, cilantro, sunflower, wheatgrass, and a bunch more. If you’re all into health and nutrition, you already know they’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

But wait we aren’t here to talk about your health—we’re thinking about your cat! Do those same nutrients transfer to your kitty in a good way or… not so much?

Can Cats Eat Microgreens?

Can Cats Eat Microgreens

Alright, straight to it. The million-dollar question: Can cats eat microgreens? Well, here’s the tea: some microgreens are perfectly safe for your little furball, while others… not so much.

Cats are obligate carnivores which means meat is their main jam. They don’t actually need plants in their diet, but some greens can add a little benefit, like aiding digestion or helping with hairballs.

Greens That Are Safe for Cats

So there are actually some greens you might share with your cat without the worry of them getting a bellyache. Here’s the shortlist of cat-friendly microgreens:

Wheatgrass: You’ve probably seen cat grass in pet stores, which is basically wheatgrass. Cats love to nibble on this and it’s totally safe. Plus, it’s known to help with digestion and reduce hairballs.

Sunflower: These are fun. Cats dig the crunch and it’s packed with vitamins like E and B. It won’t hurt your feline friend if they sneak a bite.

Pea Shoots: Yup, they’re safe! Just a little nibble won’t harm your kitty, and some even find pea shoots to be a natural antioxidant boost. Win-win.

Radish: Safe in small amounts. The greens, not the spicy radish root! Cats might like the texture but don’t let them munch too much cuz moderation is key.

You’re probably thinking, “Oh cool, so I can sprinkle these on their food now?” Well, hold your horses, partner. Cats are a picky bunch, and even though these greens are safe, it doesn’t mean your cat’s automatically gonna turn into a veggie lover overnight.

Greens That Are Not Safe for Cats

Can Cats Eat Microgreens

Now, for the part where we go “oh no, avoid that at all costs.” Cuz yeah, not every microgreen is sunshine and rainbows for your cat’s tum. Some plants can be toxic, and you definitely don’t wanna play around with those. Here are some microgreens to keep far, far away from your kitty:

Onion: Nope. Big nope. Onions, including their microgreens, are toxic to cats. It can lead to anemia and other serious issues.

Garlic: Another member of the allium family, which means bad news for your furball. It’s toxic in all forms—even microgreen form.

Chives: Similar to onion and garlic, chives are also in the danger zone. They can wreak havoc on your cat’s red blood cells.

Cilantro: Some cats might be fine with cilantro, but for others, it can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting or diarrhea. Better safe than sorry, I say.

So yeah, no tossing random microgreens into your cat’s bowl just because they look cool or healthy to you. Cats don’t have the same digestive system as us. What’s good for you can be seriously harmful to them, ya know?

Why Does My Cat Even Want Microgreens?

Let’s be real, cats do weird things all the time. They zoom across the house at 3 am, sit in boxes that are way too small for them, and yep, sometimes they decide your salad is the most fascinating thing ever. So why the sudden interest in your microgreens?

Well, some cats like to nibble on greens outta boredom, curiosity, or instinct. Remember, in the wild, they’d nibble on grass to help with digestion or as a way to expel hairballs. Your kitty isn’t craving kale or spinach because they need the vitamins, but maybe they like the texture or the crunch.

Can Eating Greens Help Cats?

Can Cats Eat Microgreens

Not really. Cats don’t need vegetables or greens to thrive. Their systems are built for meat, and they get all the necessary nutrients from a well-balanced, meat-based diet.

Greens aren’t toxic (as long as they’re safe greens, of course) but they don’t provide essential nutrients that cats are missing. It’s more of a “fun” thing for them, kinda like how we enjoy snacks with zero nutritional value just cuz they taste good.

But beware, too much nibbling on microgreens can cause stomach upset, vomiting, or even diarrhea in some cases. So if your cat’s suddenly turning into a salad monster, you might wanna keep an eye out and limit their intake.

So, Can You Add Microgreens to Your Cat’s Diet?

It’s tempting, right? You’re looking at your healthy pile of microgreens thinking, “Could I make my cat’s life even better by sharing this with them?” Sure, in moderation, you can. Just make sure you’re sticking to the safe greens and not overloading them with veggies their systems don’t need.

A couple of bites of wheatgrass here and there are totally cool, maybe even beneficial. It can help with digestion, like I mentioned earlier, or give them something interesting to snack on.

But don’t make it a thing, you know? Cats aren’t rabbits, they don’t need a side of greens with their meals.

How to Serve Microgreens to Cats

Can Cats Eat Microgreens

Here’s a tip: If you’re gonna introduce microgreens, start small. Just offer them a tiny bit as a treat. You could sprinkle a little wheatgrass or sunflower microgreens on their wet food or just leave a few pieces out and see if they take the bait.

Cats are picky (duh), so they might sniff and walk away. If they like it, cool! If they don’t, no harm no foul.

Be sure to wash the microgreens though, especially if you’re growing them at home or buying from the store. Pesticides or bacteria are a no-go.

Wrap-Up: Should Cats Eat Microgreens?

Okay, so here’s the bottom line:

  • Can cats eat microgreens? Yes, some are totally fine like wheatgrass and sunflower microgreens, but others like onion and garlic are a big no-no.
  • Do they need it? Nope, not at all. Their bodies don’t really benefit from greens the same way ours do.
  • Will they enjoy it? Maybe. Some cats are into it, others could care less. It’s more of a curiosity thing for most cats.

So if your cat’s stealing a nibble of your microgreens, no need to panic! Just make sure you’re keeping any harmful varieties outta their reach. And hey, if they enjoy it? A little safe green snack never hurt anybody.

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